Serial no. |
Date |
From no. |
From Person |
To no. |
To Person |
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Summary |
000002906 |
02.01.1899 |
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The 16th Immigration Report shows a record demand unless natives are legally prohibited from going to Transvaal, the problem will remain. |
000002908 |
04.01.1899 |
13698 |
00001 |
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My experience of several application tells me that the Act is intended to apply to Asiatics only. Town Councils shave rejected appeals without even requiring Licencing officer to give reasons for refusal No appeal to Supreme Court is most unjust |
000002901 |
04.01.1899 |
12630 |
00001 |
1 |
000002909 |
05.01.1899 |
00332 |
00039 |
1 |
Madrassee store-keepers are reluctant to subscribe, they question the utility of Natal Indian Congress and ask for accounts. Bombayites pay them for their own interest. |
000002910 |
06.01.1899 |
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Graphic description of a night raid on Mr. Nathoo's store to forcibly remove it away police previously aware but "behaved as they ought". Also of another raid when a policeman was injured. The Indian has been offered quarters and his store removed to police station. |
000002911 |
06.01.1899 |
12425 |
00001 |
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Whom should I apply information on the subject and what literature should I consult for I propose to write an article in any Indian Paper. |
000002912 |
07.01.1899 |
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Close upon the first; this victory of the whites over the coloured is of enormous consequences. They will automatically stop the influx of 'low' people |
000002913 |
08.01.1899 |
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2 Chambers of commerce. resolved to petition Government to form Licencing Boards to grant or refuse trading Licences with a View to stop Indian Invasion. |
000002921 |
10.01.1899 |
12428 |
00001 |
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I enclose a copy of interview. My charges for this copy is 10 p @ 1/6 Page= 15/- for a fresh copy at 2/6 |
000002916 |
10.01.1899 |
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The Empire has to thank umtali for the forcible illustration of the fact that while the English go to India to serve her, Indians come here for selfish reasons. Umtali rendered service to whole South Africa. |
000002914 |
10.01.1899 |
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A white master was fined pound 10 for what the Magistrate himself regarded as too severe assault A very pathetic tail of persecution. |
000002920 |
10.01.1899 |
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Bill for pound 1-11-6 for printing memorial to His Excellency the Governor 3 folios f Chap @ 10/6 |
000002917 |
10.01.1899 |
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Chamber of commerce considered Governments plain assertion that law would be upheld and offenders prosecuted. They decided to reply to Government. |
000002919 |
11.01.1899 |
12426 |
12427 |
2 |
A slight expression of the feeling of soreness of all whites. Not traders only, but every white would suffer. Is the Indian to reap what he has not sown? Viz. British Empire? All Colonies should approach Home Government etc. |
000002915 |
11.01.1899 |
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The note strongly condemns, the act and the attitude of the Protector of Immigrants who was no Protector and urges Government to institute an inquiry in the working of the whole Immigration Department. |
000002918 |
11.01.1899 |
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The chamber held the meeting at a Magistrate's suggestion. The chamber simply wanted to represent the strong feelings of Umtali,and to express fear that trouble might ensue. They did not propose to do violence themselves. |
000002923 |
11.01.1899 |
12429 |
00001 |
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We shall be obliged it you supply us news and News Papers South African Weekly. Glad to know of your heroic efforts against odds. |
000002922 |
11.01.1899 |
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Voucher for the above till. |
000002924 |
12.01.1899 |
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To drive out Indian Traders-bands of men are intimidating and trying to make it too hot for the wily Hindoo. Government has stationed troops to protect Indians. |
000002929 |
13.01.1899 |
12426 |
12427 |
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"Herald" [E. P. H. ?] Congratulates umtalion its effort; it "saves much trouble in the long run" it thinks. |
000002930 |
13.01.1899 |
00025 |
12427 |
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The raid was definitely organised by individual members with the connivance of chambers of commerce. Indians are not hated by non-store -keeping whites. They are fellow subjects and hence better than poles and Greeks. |
000002927 |
13.01.1899 |
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The Government says that nothing can be done until the sessions of the New Council is held; and Imperial sanction will be required. Reply dis satisfactory. |
000002925 |
13.01.1899 |
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Though an unconstitutional demonstration was a failure, public agitation has not come to nothing . The Indian should not come to reap a harvest he was not sown. In South Africa he is not wanted even as a labourer. |
000002931 |
13.01.1899 |
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Once it drove away the Chinese for ever. Now it has made a very material protest against Indians and rendered service to whole S. Africa. |
000002926 |
13.01.1899 |
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Mr. Casten came to the town on Tuesday evening to investigate the recent anti-Indian demonstration. [Mr. Casten : A Public Prosecutor.] |
000002928 |
13.01.1899 |
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On Inspector Birch's report the following 16 persons have been summoned. [Names given] Case to be heard this morning. |
000002933 |
14.01.1899 |
12430 |
00039 |
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Employers rather than coolies should have Protectors. I would have been pilloried by a coolie with a self-inflicted wound. Coolie looted me but were pardoned. |
000002932 |
14.01.1899 |
12431 |
00039 |
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The Protector of Immigrants favours Hindus rather too much as when he got a charge framed against me on a false statement of a mere coolie. |
000002934 |
15.01.1899 |
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We did not condone violence and breach of law, we only stressed the value of the episode as likely to change an unworkable policy. Salisbury chambers rightly requests the use of the prerogative of pardon. |
000002935 |
15.01.1899 |
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I resolved that while deprecating violence; it heartily sympathises with Umtali and urged either pardon or a very light sentence. |
000002936 |
16.01.1899 |
12432 |
00039 |
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A Native police tore the pass an Indian produced when called for. He was then fined 5 shs. I have seen Indians arrested for being without drink. |
000023946 |
17.01.1899 |
00001 |
08299 |
SHUKLA, Dalpatram Bhagwanji |
1 |
Inquires about some persons informs that as G. could not improve his handwriting he has taken to typing. |
000002941 |
17.01.1899 |
12433 |
00039 |
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The New Durban Hindu High School. If Natal Indian Congress is really representative and benevolent, it must help Government regarding the New Durban Hindu High School. But Gandhites who Control that body only exasperate us, by their fantastic dream of equality and championship of traders only. |
000002937 |
17.01.1899 |
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The paper suggests that this common drive in all Colonies is unconstitutional and due to trade jealousy, but every unit of the Empire has a right to choose its own population. Even Indians in South Africa oppose immigration. |
000002939 |
17.01.1899 |
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The Government is being petitioned to remit all the fines inflicted on 20 men of Umtali. The chamber deprecates violence. but approves of Umtali objects. |
000002940 |
17.01.1899 |
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There are 78000 Muslims in South Africa; and every one united with him with one another. The faith is progressing satisfactorily. |
000002938 |
17.01.1899 |
12425 |
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Thanks for your papers etc. It will be quite paying if you engage an experienced Englishman. to work for you. I am ready to render you any help. |
000002942 |
19.01.1899 |
00296 |
00039 |
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The Protector does not record their grievances but asks them to go back to the Cruel Masters All labourers are not liars. |
000002943 |
19.01.1899 |
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000002944 |
20.01.1899 |
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A thoughtful article from British view point and honest an impartial as far as possible......"Material benefits" are no substitute for smothering political ambition etc. |
000002945 |
20.01.1899 |
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It has wisely done so. The biggest rascal, if monied, is allowed here and desirable Britishers Germans etc. have been banned entry. |
000002946 |
20.01.1899 |
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Deposition and examination etc. of the accused [5] and Complainant [B. R. Naik]. He [Naik] Was the victim of a principle[of ousting Indian traders] Defence Counsel blamed police for not protecting Naik,and Government for its apathy towards white merchants. Three accused bound over for three months with two sureties each. Two persons committed for trial with bail given. |
000002949 |
21.01.1899 |
00001 |
12434 |
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Complete prohibition of indentured migration to Natal alone will meet the Case. which demands immediate earnest attention. |
000002948 |
21.01.1899 |
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Mr. N . proposed that volunteers be called to prevent Asiatics' landing, it necessary by shooting any who attempted to land. |
000002947 |
21.01.1899 |
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'The Wily Baniyans' were found to be suffering from a common disease. Natal Government has been informed that the plague scare unfounded. |
000002950 |
24.01.1899 |
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A South African Lady's letter published in "Western Mail" says that N. American slaves have a much better time than Indians etc. A Natalian refuting the charge replies that they have full legal protection. They come wretches and go back sleek and healthy. |
000002951 |
24.01.1899 |
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"They are a menace to the Native and the white-an industrial and social menace". India is a hot bed of leprosy and syphilis etc. |
000002952 |
25.01.1899 |
12435 |
00039 |
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Barret's offence was trivial compared with provocation which was grave. Indians have become insolent and run to the Protector with false charges. |
000002953 |
26.01.1899 |
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A well-informed article indignantly protesting against Transvaal's latest move to confine Asiatics to locations showing its injustice. |
000002955 |
27.01.1899 |
12436 |
00396 |
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As the woes are very real, with thousands of pound at stake and as the administration of the Act is far more oppressive than was intended; we urge that Indian Government bring pressure and even stop labour supply. |
000002956 |
27.01.1899 |
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Bill of pound 1-5-0 being charges for printing the memorial in 4 hours. Bill of the International Printing Press [Indian Press] |
000002958 |
31.01.1899 |
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Bulawayo should join Salisbury and Umtali in their fight against the traders. These latter contribute nothing to the upkeep or defence of Rhodesia. |
000002959 |
03.02.1899 |
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He was bound over for three months in two sureties of pound 100 each. Marley had denied assault on Naik. An appeal was noted. |
000002960 |
03.02.1899 |
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Bound over for two months with two sureties of $ .100 each. Appeal was noted. |
000002962 |
06.02.1899 |
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The indefinite postponement was probably due to Imperial interference. I will please poor burghers who had petitioned for relation of Indian shops. |
000002961 |
06.02.1899 |
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42 Indians granted Licences [as against 64 last year] by Licencing Officer. who was more liberal than others. He called the Act "cowardly" as "it thrust responsibility on an executive officer, which should be borne by the Governing body." |
000002963 |
07.02.1899 |
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Natal Indian Congress is reported to have appealed to Colonial Secretary against Durban Licencing Officer's one decision and another is handed over to a Solicitor for advice. |
000002966 |
07.02.1899 |
12343 |
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I am sending herewith circular instructions regarding persons who claim benefits of former domicile in Natal; is sued under Immigration Act. |
000002965 |
07.02.1899 |
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Law 3 of 1885 's application is postponed 'for important reasons' If Natal where they are not Liked, is not allowed free handly England; Transvaal can be less allowed. |
000002964 |
07.02.1899 |
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90 licences refused in Dundee. One Indian sold off his stock and decamped. white merchants now stop granting credit of Indians for fear of loss. |
000002967 |
07.02.1899 |
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Proof of actual residence for two years [Continuous] will be sufficient for exemption from operation of the Immigration Restriction Act of 1897. |
000003337 |
07.02.1899 |
12488 |
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Will he give me lessons in the morning as I cannot attend the night-class which is too far off from Greyville? |
000002968 |
08.02.1899 |
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High mortality [34 per 1000] is due to great overcrowding from density of population, less space, bad ventilation, bad habits, localities etc. Both Indian and European Land-lords keep such unsanitary dwellings for the poor. |
000002969 |
09.02.1899 |
12438 |
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Kindly apply to the Town Clerk for a copy. I believe printed copies have been provided by him. |
000002971 |
09.02.1899 |
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As he could not comply with a very persistent request to admit an Indian Child,[in Government. High School ?] provision was made for a new Indian schools exactly on the same lines as other Primary Schools. |
000002970 |
09.02.1899 |
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The suggestion to import cheap Indian Labour is bad because it would check European immigration. It is a crime to adopt such a policy and it will be resented. |
000002972 |
10.02.1899 |
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'Cute Indians have dodged the Building bye-laws, and so are a danger to the whole country. Not fresh Legislation but rigid enforcement of the existing bye-law is necessary. 3,156 persons in 1,188 rooms is appalling. |
000002973 |
11.02.1899 |
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One Colonial born Indian was granted eating -house licence, a Native was refused the same. In Indian was allowed 4 months to clear off stock. |
000002974 |
11.02.1899 |
12343 |
00001 |
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Transvaal propose common action to prohibit immigration as an Indian has probably brought the plague there: Will you have a talk with the Natal Premier? [ The Letter is marked "private".] |
000002978 |
13.02.1899 |
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Abdul Rahim fined. pound 10 for defying Licence Law on Gandhiji's advice. He gave notice of appeal; meantime he refuses to close his store: |
000002975 |
13.02.1899 |
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The Town is indignant at Government's action in allowing 7 Asiatics to Land without their baggage being disinfected. A meeting is probable. |
000002976 |
13.02.1899 |
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He said the Law dealt very hardly with Arabs in Dundee and New Castle and Licencing Officer should be careful in refusing licences. |
000002977 |
13.02.1899 |
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The Indian school at Durban has an European Head Master, charges fees and requires conformation to European habits. Attendance large. |
000002981 |
14.02.1899 |
12439 |
12440 |
1 |
Our s. S. Raglam' has no coloured passengers. We will carry only Europeans till the plague subsides. we desire to help the colony. |
00002980A |
14.02.1899 |
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000002979 |
14.02.1899 |
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Till out of danger, no person from infected ports should be allowed to land. Delgoa-Bay port should also be watched to prevent spread. |
000002980 |
14.02.1899 |
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The meeting strongly urged Government to take stringent measures and not to allow the in coming "Ladwig" to land at port Elizabeth to present all immigration of Asiatics." |
000002983 |
15.02.1899 |
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000002982 |
15.02.1899 |
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000002984 |
15.02.1899 |
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It is impossible and illegal to quarantine a ship with a clean bill of health. Please thoroughly inspect your poor localities to prevent over crowding and remove refuse. |
000002986 |
16.02.1899 |
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A suspected case of an Indian is being investigated Now that Asiatics are prohibited entry, the authorities hope to avert the out break of plague [Pretoria] |
000002992 |
16.02.1899 |
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The Governor has wired Pretoria that every precaution is taken against plague. Coolies are not allowed to land and ships from Mauritius are refused entrance into the harbour. |
000002994 |
16.02.1899 |
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The Corporation is carrying out all the necessary sanitary precautions with special reference to the dwellings of Asiatics and Indians. |
000002991 |
16.02.1899 |
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Excitement here is intense. The Town is determined to Act like one man with the Government, in its efforts. Dr. Herman has had Indian experience. |
000002989 |
16.02.1899 |
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The Coolie has succumbed, but the disease causing it has not been actually known. |
000002995 |
16.02.1899 |
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A shoemaker said that he lost his box while living in a room with 27 other shoe-makers; and his room was not big. |
000002990 |
16.02.1899 |
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Pretoria:- Transvaal consul at Delgoa Bay and the Austrian consul at Cape Town have come to meet Dr. Gregory from Delgoa [Bay.] |
000002988 |
16.02.1899 |
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They promised to report every new arrival and sickness to the Land -drast who wish to protect their interests as of other sections of people. |
000002985 |
16.02.1899 |
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No sign of disease among Indian. 12 Indians have not evaded as reported early. |
000002987 |
16.02.1899 |
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It urged Government to take most stringent measures, promised its support for them and urged close inspection of Coolie Hawkers. |
000002996 |
16.02.1899 |
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Though they may seem unnecessary and too harsh to those who may suffer by complete isolation and stoppage of communication with infected countries it is best to err on the safer side. |
000002993 |
16.02.1899 |
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"Kristine' has been purchased by Government to fit her as a disinfectant ship [Government of Natal] |
000003000 |
17.02.1899 |
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000002998 |
17.02.1899 |
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Coolie passengers have been landed. A quantity of their luggage was burned and remainder well disinfected before pratique. |
000003003 |
17.02.1899 |
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Dr. Balfe of Addington Hospital complains that Indians leave their incurable old relatives at the door of the Hospital and decamp. Thus the Hospital has to bear the burial expenses soon or late. |
000003002 |
17.02.1899 |
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Indians as in Pretoria should be invited to cooperate, as it is more fatal with them. Entire immigration should be suspended. |
000002997 |
17.02.1899 |
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London:- "Standard" thinks it is ridiculous to call a solitary case an out break and deprecates alarmist reports which might lead to disastrous racial troubles. |
000002999 |
17.02.1899 |
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It has cabled for a doctor and supply of medicine from India. It will put both these at the disposal of Government; for the general good. |
000003001 |
17.02.1899 |
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Small ports are not guarded and so plague can be introduced through them. India has been connected since times immemorial. There is plenty of gold laying unexploited. If thrown open to Europeans, it can absorb many. |
000003004 |
18.02.1899 |
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A silken purse containing 30 guineas was presented by the Indians to the superintendent in appreciation of his impartial attitude. He replied that Indian did not give him much trouble. |
000003005 |
18.02.1899 |
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Coolies have assured Government, of cooperation. Dr. Niekerk with experience in Bombay has offered his services. |
000003006 |
18.02.1899 |
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There is no possibility of racial troubles; Indians here will rather thank Government for stringent measures if applied. The paper's view is fantastic. |
000003007 |
19.02.1899 |
00137 |
GOOL, M. H. |
00001 |
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No councillor used such word. But I will try to get the full report of the meeting. Thanks for your protection and interest regarding Indians. |
000003013 |
20.02.1899 |
00109 |
00039 |
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Transvaal and Free state have prohibited entry to Indians. We must also prohibit it or thoroughly disinfect Indians from Transvaal. |
000003008 |
20.02.1899 |
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A very inspiring address, asking volunteers to have self-control, first and then submit to discipline; to unite South Africa under British Empire: |
000003011 |
20.02.1899 |
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There is no doubt now that the coolie at Middleburg succumbed from plague. Dr. Herman the expert is convinced of it. |
000003009 |
20.02.1899 |
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Coloured inhabitants of Madagascar and Mauritius are refused entry or movement in the state. |
000003012 |
20.02.1899 |
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Dr. Haw, the district surgeon, has a strong suspicion that the death of the coolie was due to "bubonic plague". |
000003010 |
20.02.1899 |
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Indians have taken to throwing plague-affected dead bodies into the compounds of the English in Bangalore: (Extract from a private letter published.) |
000003014 |
21.02.1899 |
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000003016 |
21.02.1899 |
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Every Asiatic entering shall submit to disinfection and report for three weeks. Hawking may be stopped and the whole location quarantined. |
000003017 |
21.02.1899 |
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Health Committee accepted Dr. Haw's report published here in detail. Coolie location is being disinfected and town people warned to do without the coolie. |
000003018 |
21.02.1899 |
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Symptoms in KaapMudin case are very similar to malaria. Cases of fever may be regarded as of plague in the present tense state. |
000003015 |
21.02.1899 |
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It is reliably understood that the only place affected there is at Tamatave port. |
000003020 |
22.02.1899 |
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Bouton convicted for selling liquor to Natives, was refused licence, so were two Indians. The premises of one was called a death trap owned by a white. |
000003019 |
22.02.1899 |
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Kaap Muidin coolie showed malaria symptoms. Barberton also will white wash the whole location and examine every coolie. |
000003021 |
24.02.1899 |
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In response to a letter from Port-Elizabeth Town Council, Cape-Town's Town Council appointed a deputation to wait upon Government on the subject. |
000003024 |
24.02.1899 |
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The Indian Government is bound to use weapons at its command (total stoppage of labour supply) to bring the colonial secretary to his senses as he for diplomatic reasons- "connives at the harsh injustice" being done to Indians in Natal. |
000003023 |
24.02.1899 |
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A Deputation to Pretoria with a petition signed by all the whites, will urge removed of all Asiatic to location. |
000003022 |
24.02.1899 |
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All local traffic with Coolies is practically stopped. The "s. S. Congella" with 1000 coolies was not allowed to entry at Berea or Delgoa-Bay. |
000003027 |
25.02.1899 |
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The premier assured that the Government were quite alive and took more precautions then even those proposed by the Congress at Vienna. Government will help the Town Council. |
000003026 |
25.02.1899 |
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A strong Committee was formed at a public meeting which resolved that steps be taken against the passengers, goods,coolies,coming from infected ports. |
000003025 |
25.02.1899 |
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In pursuance of strict enforcement of sanitary bye-laws, several Indians were fined for sleeping in their store-rooms; from 30 shs. to 3 $. |
000003031 |
27.02.1899 |
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The suspected cases at Middleburg and Barberton were not necessarily plague cases. Dr. Martin representative of Delgoa Bay also concurred. |
000003030 |
27.02.1899 |
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Dr. Theilar returned from Middleburg to Pretoria, and will hand in his report in a few days. [Dr. Theilar - A Government Bacteriological Expert] |
000003029 |
27.02.1899 |
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It resolved to from a vigilance Committee and to call the public to prevent the landing of Coolies. Shippers were to be warned not to land cargo. |
000003028 |
27.02.1899 |
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The plague has broken out at Jeddah. |
000003032 |
28.02.1899 |
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000003035 |
28.02.1899 |
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"Kriotine" will be fitted up as such. A sterilising room for the clothes of passengers from infected ports will be provided. |
000003036 |
28.02.1899 |
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Dr. Turner of Cape Town will look out for a suitable place for quarantining passengers if necessary. He will interview Health Committee. |
000003037 |
28.02.1899 |
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If necessary, a public meeting may be held to support the Council's proposals to prevent ships from India etc. Calling at Natal. |
000003038 |
28.02.1899 |
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In spite of Mr. Gandhi's "eloquent Address" and protest by two white Creditors, Licencing Officer's decision of refusal to Abdool Rasool was upheld. |
000003034 |
28.02.1899 |
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Town Council is to consider them. They are (1) All intercourse (of Goods and men) be totally suspended with India etc. (2) All Indians crossing the island borders be quarantined for two months, and their property burnt on arrest. |
000003033 |
28.02.1899 |
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We must err on the safer side even if it entails hardship on some. The strict enforcement of sanitary laws must continue. |
000003102 |
01.03.1899 |
12447 |
12448 |
1 |
You are risking millions of $s. - not be speak of lives - this way. Impose quarantine for two months, so that no ship may come again. |
000003045 |
01.03.1899 |
12441 |
00039 |
1 |
I am told, 2 Kaffirs and 2 or 3 collies are clerks. It is so< I can hardly believe that the Government allow it when so many whites are unemployed. |
000003106 |
01.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
000003048 |
01.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
000003107 |
01.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
If was bold policy to refuse licence to him even though he stood to loss. It is the battle cry of no quarter. Even European owned property tenanted to Indians must be similarly dealt with boldly. Licencing Officer must take the care: |
000003042 |
01.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
Captain Leumann, an experienced I.M.S. is expected here shortly. |
000003041 |
01.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
Dr. Niekerk of Johannesburg, with great Indian experience reports that there are no cases at delgoa. He was specially sent there: |
000003044 |
01.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
Pmburg Mayor strongly protested against it as the ship came direct from Calcutta. A joint Deputation with Durban was resolved upon. (1600 died from plague in Bombay in a week.) |
000003047 |
01.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
2 |
Mr. Tatham appealing against Licencing Officers decision to grant a licence to "Pillay" presented a well - signed petition. Licence cancelled. |
000003040 |
01.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
Considerable satisfaction is felt at Dr. Theilar's report. This is generally regarded as tantamount to a clean bill of health. |
000003046 |
01.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
2 |
Durban Town Council wisely delayed replying to the City. No need for panic, plague rages in India since 2 years and no body suggested complete suspension of trade till now. This is a very serious matter. |
000003043 |
01.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
The agent of the Indian Immigration Board has received instructions to stop all recruiting till further Orders. |
000003039 |
01.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
The action will be generally approved. The present supply of labour here may be made to do till plague subsides. Other Colonies will feel relieved. |
000003052 |
02.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
000003051 |
02.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
000003050 |
02.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
The decision too suspend will be generally approved though it may mean some hardship. We ought to consider the difficulties of other colonies. |
000003049 |
02.03.1899 |
12442 |
00001 |
3 |
The congress did take up the question. I was the mover of the resolution. What you did once must be repeated. Did you see my article in "Indian Politics"? |
000003055 |
03.03.1899 |
00107 |
00039 |
1 |
In spite of sugar planters and Indian merchant it must stop. Rice and Dholl than can be grown here: Indians on the water should be sent back. |
000003056 |
03.03.1899 |
12443 |
00039 |
2 |
Capitalists would not move. The poor must rouse themselves. If not, unspeakable calamities-fancifully described here - may result. |
000003054 |
03.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
Colonial Hime says (the Natal Government) it is doing every thing possible; but it cannot refuse entry to a ship coming from a clean port Medical staff is well organised. |
000003053 |
03.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
It will commend it self to the Town and Licencing Officer should take it as a mandate not to tolerate such stores and thus save Europeans from disease and stench (full of contempt for Indians filth.) |
000003072 |
04.03.1899 |
00130 |
00118 |
1 |
A detailed account of the steps taken by Government against plague. |
000003075 |
04.03.1899 |
12382 |
00039 |
2 |
I am prepared to join a 2nd march en masse to the point to prevent landing of Indians. Once for all it must stop to prevent Natal from being a coolie location. |
000003062 |
04.03.1899 |
12444 |
00039 |
1 |
The country rightly belongs to Kaffirs only Europeans have no right to compare all Indians with white coolies who break stones. Two Indian clerks did three whites work and with half the salary. |
000003063 |
04.03.1899 |
12445 |
00039 |
1 |
Not "coolies" but "dark - complexioned skilled labourers" do the work. A white man would hardly covet that very low-paid job. |
000003059 |
04.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
2 |
000003070 |
04.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
000003067 |
04.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
The passengers are free Indians but are not allowed to land at Delgoa Bay for because of plague prohibition. Immigration Act would prevent them here: |
000003064 |
04.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
It (The Anti-Asiatic Association) is making persistent efforts to bring about a total cessation of Indian Immigration while the plague lasts. |
000003065 |
04.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
"Chloride the Hindoo for auld Scottish Glory.... etc. Burn Native dens where they (microbes) flourish and grow - etc. |
000003060 |
04.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
Perhaps the most popular of all the acts ever done by any Government of Natal. Planters are not adverse to it as supposed. A wise ban on import of some goods is needed. |
000003069 |
04.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
The affection is confined to Tamatave, which is isolated by a cordon. No new cases of plague here now. |
000003066 |
04.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
It has been suggested that Natal should suspend immigration in keeping with the action throughout South Africa Government has decided to do so. |
000003058 |
04.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
I half expect to here some one cry, with respect to plagues to which the Indian is particularly liable. "Let them all come ? " |
000003073 |
04.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
The old convict station was found suitable by doctor's here, as a bubonic lazaretto. Serum and vaccine have been wired for from Bombay. |
000003057 |
04.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
With the present free communication with India, he (Medical Officer?) is almost convinced that the city will have to be evacuated. To others he is "rabid". |
000003068 |
04.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
Immigration Trust Board has suspended recruiting. Captain Leumann of I.M.S. (Indian Medical Service ?) is to come here at once. |
000003061 |
04.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
2 |
Courlands Indians are free and could not have been prevented - entry but for this Act, such free Indians are worse than labourers as these (labourers) are under care and control. |
000003076 |
04.03.1899 |
12446 |
00001 |
1 |
Thank you for your courtesy and promptitude in putting forward the particulars supplied to you regarding Umtali. We are already in communication with Indians of umtali. |
000003074 |
04.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
There was no plague at all in the Country. Buboes appear in typhus also, Bubonic plague is curable in the first stage in his country. |
000003071 |
06.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
2 |
1. Stringent sanitary precautions by (1) Town Boards, (2) Natal Governments Railways, (3) Employers of coolies; 2. Not to discontinue immigration. |
000003077 |
07.03.1899 |
00361 |
00001 |
1 |
The School, I started is progressing. we collect subscription here to put up a permanent building. Will Natal Indian Congress help ? |
000003078 |
07.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
A Town Council Deputation interviewed Government which replied that immigration would cease. No reply was received from India regarding rice as disease - carrier. |
000003081 |
08.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
Mr. Gandhi's suggestion print the Anti-plague instructions in Indian Languages at the Corporation cost and offer to look to its distribution free of charge; was thankfully accepted. Though it was feared that Indians might neglect it. |
000003083 |
08.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
The Imported Indian was expected to remain a servant of the sugar-planter only, but the Natal Agriculturist, on account of the coolie's cheapness, sacrificed the prospects of the land being filled by whites. |
000003084 |
08.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
He (The Pmburg Mayor) fears that a day would shortly arrive when they would have to face the question of congregation of the coloured within the City. |
000003080 |
08.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
The Town Council resolved that it is desirable that coolies and Indian produce from plague infected districts should cease. |
000003079 |
08.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
It disagreed with its Medical Officer's drastic proposals. It resolved to request Government to inform then of Governments steps re-free Indians. |
000003093 |
09.03.1899 |
12447 |
13111 |
2 |
Natal Medical Councils recommendations are absurd. Government will still allow coolies on water to land and spread the plague. A letter full of scare and sarcasm. |
000003085 |
09.03.1899 |
12444 |
00039 |
1 |
Respectable Indians are not "coolie" Stone-breakers and law class workers, black or white, are coolies. White Coolies are jealous of us. |
000003086 |
09.03.1899 |
12180 |
00039 |
2 |
There will soon be a second meeting here and then not the white rich, but the white workers will be asked to quell it. They must rise up now and stop the rich whites from bringing Indians. |
000003087 |
09.03.1899 |
12382 |
00039 |
1 |
Most of us are not sincere to get rid of the Coolie with whom Natal is soaked, and still the Natal Medical Council advises this importation. |
000003092 |
09.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
2 |
000003088 |
09.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
The latter has wired in reply that there is practically no risk from grain shipments. No infected granaries in India. |
000003091 |
09.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
She was quarantined, pending Governments decision on the Harbour - Medical - officer's report, Who visited the ship. |
000003089 |
09.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
It resolved that men and goods from India be stopped altogether, even if Indians in Natal may have to go without rice. |
000003090 |
09.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
A requisition is being signed in Pmburg to ask the mayor to convene a public meeting to consider Government Action regarding plague. |
000003096 |
10.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
"s. S. Congella" is the "last vessel with Indians for Natal" - This most reassuring Official information will be received with the utmost satisfaction. |
000003095 |
10.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
For the race not Teutonic, our affections not platonic; and it might be a good tonic, were they delivered by plague Bubonic. |
000003094 |
10.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
There is little excitement in the city itself. During the recent out break, "household gold" of the people affected ("Coloured Persons") were destroyed; ornaments and vessels burnt and people fumigated. |
000003098 |
10.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
The mayor approved of Pmburg Mayor's suggestion to take a deputation to Government to emphasis the danger involved in having intercourse with infected places. |
000003100 |
10.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
Is there no law requiring the publication of the name of the press, on all printed matter ? We may be unconsciously patronising this press. |
000003097 |
10.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
He (Medical Officer) does his best to create panic. The mayor joins him. The agitation savours of "Political Bias" at the Government (roots ?) Government is quite alert and medicos also. |
000003105 |
11.03.1899 |
00000 |
00039 |
1 |
His claim of cure in an early stage is bunkum. The only cure is cleanliness. I hope circulars will be issued for Indians as Mr. Gandhi suggests. |
000003101 |
11.03.1899 |
12435 |
00039 |
1 |
Importation of Indian Coolies should be left to the planters whose concern it is. The correspondent however is unjust and "palty", when ha call the member "Dives". Both the League M.L. A., have done more for Natal than another - members put to-gether. |
000003104 |
11.03.1899 |
00351 |
00039 |
1 |
Kaffirs are allowed to walk on the Foot-paths. Why not Indians, Who have equal rights with Europeans. Natives are "glass" people and could not be allowed. |
000003112 |
11.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
2 |
In an appeal, the council granted the eleven licences on condition that brick buildings would be erected by next year. |
000003109 |
11.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
The question of an Indian lessees being given to the right of perpetual renewal was referred to the committee. Mr. Gandhi for the Indian. |
000003103 |
11.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
That it was a worthy one and properly accepted. That it is to be hoped Indians will "read, mark, learn and inwardly digest" them. |
000003111 |
11.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
The proclamation prohibiting Asiatics from travelling without permission will be with drawn tomorrow by a Government proclamation. |
000003114 |
12.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
19 |
I think the law does not empower Licencing Officers and Town Councils to reject licences just because a class (Indian) is applying. The remedy does lie in the Supreme Court, not as a Court of appeal but because the Act has been abused and the licencing Officers may be therefore, require to reconsider on its merits; as in Somnath case. |
000003113 |
12.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
Pmburg Town Council has gone crazy, while Durban is sensible satisfied with Government's precautions. In England there is no quarantine system. |
000003119 |
12.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
14 |
000003110 |
13.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
Even in England he is not given equal rights of citizenship. In India he has no franchise Government is paternal. So in "White Men's" lands" he must have less rights. |
000003115 |
13.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
2 |
By Dr. Andrew E; a description of the history the symptoms; their source and the means of cure to the plague . A medical Commission proceeds to India to study the plague. The article wishes it all success. |
000003134 |
14.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
2 |
I think Licencing Officers have full discretionary power provided he is not guilty of corrupt motives. The Act is the injustice, not refusing licence under it. No appeal can lie except on ground of corruption. |
000003118 |
14.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
In the Pmburg City Meeting; a leader is said to be in possession of secret information of a startling character regarding thee plague and the Colony. |
000003116 |
14.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
A Doctor has left Bombay for Johannesburg with a supply of plague medicine and serum. |
000003117 |
14.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
The quarantined "s. S. Pongola " was granted pratique and she discharges her immigrants. She was on the water for over a month. |
000003126 |
15.03.1899 |
00332 |
00039 |
1 |
It was introduced into India etc; by bags of rice. Not only rats but fleas, bugs, perhaps flies and mosquitoes spread it. It can be inhaled also etc. |
000003124 |
15.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
2 |
The Chairman of Natal Medical Council deprecated all cause for alarm and scares. Even the Immigration Board's precautions regarding landing of Indians, were more stringent than medically needed. |
000003123 |
15.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
He is stationed at komati Poort to inspect all Kaffirs, coolies and other coloured persons entering Transvaal at that part, to prevent infection. |
000003125 |
15.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
1. Suspend all trade with India 2. Stop (totally ) immigration till plague subsides in India 3. Return Indians on the water. Resolutions passed by 50 to 1. |
000003121 |
15.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
Our Natives became demoralised and diseased by contact with the more dirty-Indian. As he comes here he loses all control of society. His marriage is not legally recognised. Some drastic laws are needed. |
000003120 |
15.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
Except Hawkers and those with proprietary rights before 1885, all have been given notice to remove to locations on June 30th. |
000003122 |
15.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
2 |
We propose to stop Indian Immigration complete and thus deliver Natal from their grasp, and to prohibit employment of Indians in our Railways. |
000003127 |
16.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
They are victing of an overheated immigration. The Government and the Natal Medical Council are taking all reasonable precautions. Bombay figured (giver here) indirect that plague affects unclean castes most. |
000003131 |
16.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
2 |
Only 5 cases all from one place. The infected area is being evacuated and disinfected by sections. 160 persons are thus lodged and fed at public expense, while their dwellings are disinfected. Then another section and so on. |
000003133 |
16.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
The Governor has wired to Natal that no case has been detected since the fatal case on march 1st. |
000003130 |
16.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
8 |
Dr. Allen's figures regarding India. 1,96,000 infected since 1896. 1,55,000 died. i.e.75 percent. Doctors in India reported deaths from plague as from other diseases to avoid inspection etc. |
000003128 |
16.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
Dr. Fraser states that there were only five cases, 3 being fatal,- all from one centre: Two houses were burnt and people round about segregated. |
000003132 |
16.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
He read some clauses of the Pretoria convention and though 12 days quarantine after departure more than sufficient. It was not very infectious. |
000003129 |
16.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
2 |
Dr. Allen was of course panicky; but we suggest, vessels from India to be kept at he other anchorage and discharge there, - not even at the Bluff. |
000003135 |
16.03.1899 |
13698 |
00001 |
1 |
I (Mr. Labistour G. A.de), return Laughtons opinion as I do not care what others think of my view. Licencing Officer agrees with my view and has given up the idea of disqualifying Indians as a class. So far so good. |
000003137 |
17.03.1899 |
12382 |
00039 |
1 |
Your paper wrongly blames the city. Durban is 'sane' because it is steeped in coolie interests. The ships on water should be returned or we should make our wills. |
000003136 |
17.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
Government Officials will now directly admit Indians from Natal, provided they can prove they are not coming direct from infected places like India. |
000003144 |
18.03.1899 |
12343 |
12451 |
2 |
Natal Medical Council's unanimously advises non-stoppage of food-stuffs. So, Government cannot give effect to your resolution. "S. S. Gongella" brings the last batch of Indians. Natal Medical Council does not advise the discontinuance of even the importation of Indian immigrants; if the conditions of the Indian Immigration Trust Board are adhered to. |
000003143 |
18.03.1899 |
00130 |
00118 |
1 |
Government cannot rightfully act upon resolutions passed at a meeting very thinly attended. Again Government is guided by Natal Medical Council, and complete stoppage of staple food supplies would mean great hardships on Indians. |
000003138 |
18.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
If resolved to request Government to take steps to restrict immigration from India. |
000003139 |
18.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
2 |
Pmburg meeting where only 300 out of the white population of 11000 were present and in which only half as many voted; was off its head. Government measures regarding plague and quarantine were proper. |
000003141 |
18.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
His remarks were as unreliable as his other statements. When did the Natal Press say that Government should sit down and do nothing ? etc. |
000003140 |
18.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
The attendance was meagre and the expected bomb-shell did not materialise. Dr. Allen over did it when he emphasised the incurability of plague. |
000003142 |
20.03.1899 |
12450 |
00039 |
1 |
Two Indian fellow-passengers were shown rudely the back-window of a station dining room. It shows up the Contractor and the Natal Government Railway. |
000003147 |
21.03.1899 |
12453 |
00130 |
1 |
Handling of the bags from India does not seem to be the probable cause of plague here: Probably it was introduced from Tamatave. |
000003149 |
21.03.1899 |
12433 |
00039 |
1 |
Indians have enjoyed some kind of franchise before Julius Caesar invaded Britain. They rely upon the 1858 Proclamation and Government promises. |
000003148 |
21.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
"Kristine" is being fitted by Government Railway's Department. Description in detail. |
000003146 |
21.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
000003153 |
22.03.1899 |
12455 |
13111 |
2 |
A Scheme to compel Natives to work in place of Coolies (Whose immigration is stopped) by giving a bonus to Native Chiefs and raising hut-tax etc. |
000003150 |
22.03.1899 |
12454 |
00039 |
1 |
The process of transit completely exposes it to infection, Burmah rice is cheaper and better though not "Sacred" like Ballam rice over which a Britain said a "prayer". *[Note :- The Statement - that in Calcutta rice is not consumed much and that in South Africa it is a luxury - is wrong.] |
000003152 |
22.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
000003151 |
22.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
A Natal died of small-pox without medical attention as the local small-pox Committee made no provision for him. Now the Coolies are required only to produce a clean bill of health from the Country they last resided in. |
000003154 |
23.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
The Government has decided to enforce the law (Coolie Location Law). The date will shortly be announced by proclamation. |
000003155 |
23.03.1899 |
12456 |
00001 |
4 |
Will you kindly directly writing to me giving details of the same ? Mr. Vasanji has made me interested in you and your efforts. |
000003156 |
24.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
The Immigration Restriction Act is strictly enforced and unauthorised persons are thus banned. Natives from infected parts are also prohibited / entry. |
000003157 |
24.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
The Government General Wires to the French Consul here that the plague at Tamatave, the only part affected has caused and the quarantine has been raised. |
000003158 |
24.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
The Prosecution of late have had salutary effect as only one case of using the store as a bed-room was detected this time. Fine $. 1. |
000003159 |
24.03.1899 |
00359 |
LYON J. & CO. |
00001 |
1 |
South African Company can logically argue from their instances that Indians are "Undesirables". Kindly persuade them of their folly. We feel any such advice from you would tend them at once to change for the better. |
000003160 |
25.03.1899 |
00107 |
00039 |
1 |
Does not wind from plagued Countries visit us sweeping in to our Colony ? Would not our doctors recommend to stop it ? |
000003161 |
28.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
British Government wants to use Coolies as pawns. But they are not tolerated in British. Rhodesia, so it is but proper that Transvaal applies the Location Law to them now. |
000003162 |
29.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
From the 1st of the next month it will be enforced. Hawkers will be allowed in Towns. Individual will be considered in case of special contract etc. |
000003163 |
29.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
They seriously thought of burning all the dwellings in the infected area and the suspected Port Louis but dropped it as it would not be very affective. |
000003164 |
30.03.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
2 |
Admitted 4,179, died 2,836; Non-bubonic more fatal and less easily diagnosed than bubonic. Figures for India for 28 months. 211,604 cases. Deaths 167,195. Stringent even irksome precautions necessary. |
000003165 |
31.03.1899 |
12630 |
00001 |
3 |
I discussed the Act with Mr. Escombe. The matter has been fairly bungled all through- please realise that. I do not want to discuss it with your friends. *[Note :- An important admission of blunder by the Ex-premier who was responsible for introducing it.] |
000003168 |
02.04.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
000003714 |
05.04.1899 |
12272 |
TYAB, Haji Khan Mohammad |
12279 |
1 |
Repretion is likely on the 15th instant, for our failure to comply with the oral notice to take licences. Kindly press Mr. Gandhi to come here at the time. |
000003166 |
05.04.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
2 |
We trust the majority report (4 vs. 3) of restricting of prohibiting immigration will be accepted by all. Whole South Africa united for the first time here: |
000003167 |
05.04.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
4 |
(1) 12 days isolation (2) Quarantine Stations on certain parts to be established (3) Clothes - Plague Carrier - not grain (4) Inter state Health Board to supervise and sanction common expenses to be shared in a fixed proportion. |
000003183 |
06.04.1899 |
12461 |
12462 |
GOURLY O.M.I. (Rev. Father) |
1 |
His Worship the Mayor thinks it better to include only the European Children in the arrangements. |
000003169 |
06.04.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
After 3 weeks discussion and able speeches the Government motion to discontinue Indian Immigration was passed by a large majority. |
000003170 |
06.04.1899 |
12457 |
00001 |
1 |
We have debited the following fees :- Regarding Kara Thakersi pound 2 ; 3 ; 0. Opinion Law 1, 1879. pound 5 ; 5 ; 0. Total pound 7 ; 8 ; 0. |
000003171 |
07.04.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
2 |
Government of Bombay's special Plague Medical Officer ridicules the idea of stoppage. Only the Coolies' kit must be disinfected. Plague not very infectious. |
000003172 |
10.04.1899 |
12457 |
00001 |
1 |
Thanks for your Cheque in settlement of our account as advised. (Stamped receipt). |
000003173 |
12.04.1899 |
00000 |
00039 |
1 |
Will they and Native mix with the Whites on the Mayor's fete day. The former should be separated as otherwise it will mar our Children's joy. |
000003174 |
13.04.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
Indians were granted licenses unconditionally for the current half year by the field-cornet. |
000003175 |
14.04.1899 |
00014 |
NAOROJI, Dadabhai |
00001 |
1 |
I am sorry for all the troubles our people have to suffer. I work with the British committee of the Congress, and every possible attention is paid to you |
000003176 |
15.04.1899 |
00001 |
00166 |
1 |
Nothing less than an emphatic declaration of disapproval from the Colonial office, and adequate punishment of the guilty will meet the case. |
000003178 |
15.04.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
2 |
Had not the local police behaved with unusual firmness, serious outrage might have been committed. But the whites now want to achieve their end lawfully, that is by fostering protection in its most contemptible from [by refusing licences.] That British Subjects should seek shelter under Portugal is humiliating and unjust. |
000003179 |
17.04.1899 |
11656 |
00039 |
1 |
By such remarks on coloured children, he has proved himself to be law bred white and insulted the Queen. We do not wish to join after such remarks. |
000003180 |
17.04.1899 |
12459 |
00001 |
1 |
Your letter of even date shall be laid before his worship, the Mayor. |
000003182 |
19.04.1899 |
12460 |
13111 |
1 |
In order to ease the minds of gentry working Class, I send you the purport of the following letter from Secretary, Sunday Schools Committee. |
000003185 |
19.04.1899 |
10018 |
13111 |
1 |
Does the Mayor's attitude cultivate "loyalty"? Do Indians pay no taxes? Can one section enjoy at the expense [of money also] of the other part? |
000003184 |
19.04.1899 |
12463 |
13111 |
1 |
One superintendent of Indian School has learnt that the Mayor thinks it better to include only European children. Comment is superfluous. |
000003187 |
19.04.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
3 |
A very faithful narrative of the misdeeds of South African Whites. In the root of this panic there is trade jealousy. Infection here is personal to the Indian. Mr. Chamberlain's deplorable omission to take notice of 1897, Durban mob has led to all this. Pmburg Indians are asked to reduced their stock. |
000003181 |
19.04.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
Received pound 1, Premium for policy from 19-4'-99 to 19-4-'00. Sum insured pound 800; in London Assurance Corporation. |
000003186 |
20.04.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
That Indian Traders should be denied domicile is irritating to English men. Is the British flag a meaning less [flag] symbol; when Portugal affords shelter? Transvaal, even, treats Indians better. It should be compelled to grant trade rights. |
000003177 |
22.04.1899 |
12458 |
00275 |
1 |
But for the tact of Inspector Birch [of giving a promise to vacate the next day] our property would have been damaged and our lives in danger. J.P. Sled the mob, we are allowed to trade under all European flags except the British. |
000003188 |
24.04.1899 |
00351 |
13111 |
1 |
When with my friends I was listening to the Governor's speech, I was thrown off, and my leg was injured. was the Speech for Europeans only? |
000003189 |
25.04.1899 |
12465 |
13111 |
1 |
A protest again the housing of indentured coolies " Huddled up in dirty hovels of old tins"etc. Suggestion that free Indians be compelled to raise their standard of living. |
000003200 |
25.04.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
Coolies shall remove to locations by July 1st.. where alone they will be granted trade-licences now. Exceptional case to be considered on merits. |
00003189A |
25.04.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
[1] Locations to be underr adjoining municipalities or villages . [2] Indians asked to go to live in locations before 30-6-1899. |
000003199 |
26.04.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
Signed by Krugar Reitg etc. President & Sery. S. A.Republic. |
000003191 |
03.05.1899 |
00250 |
00039 |
1 |
The whole episode resembles one of the Prophet Mahmad who refused to protect the property of a woman living on his far borders.- An insult to Queen and India. |
000003213 |
04.05.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
3 |
Labourers, as in Baldeo's case, abscond or desert their employers on the strength of the passes given by me. Hence my suggestion to make them. liable for frivolous complaint and to make authorities see to their return to employers. |
000003192 |
10.05.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
3 |
Just as Natal has cleverly arranged with Colonial secretary; regarding Indians and class Legislation so can Transvaal; but it cannot abrogate the Legislative Council to harm all inlanders. |
000003190 |
11.05.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
0 |
An appeal from Licencing Officer to Town Council is practically an appeal to judge against his own judgement and results in injustice. Pmburg Town Council toadies to racial feeling and so there is a movement there to repair the wrongs done to Hindus. |
000003195 |
19.05.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
"N.I.[Natal Indians] tender humble and loyal congratulations to H.M. on her 80th birth day; fervently praying Almighty may shower choicest blessings on her." |
000003193 |
20.05.1899 |
12277 |
00001 |
1 |
I am directed to acknowledge your letter of the 19th covering the Message. |
000003194 |
27.05.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
Her Majesty wires in reply- " H.M. Queen commands me to thank the Natal Indians for their loyal congratulations." Remit $. 4-15-0; being the cost of the telegram. |
000003196 |
29.05.1899 |
00193 |
BIRD, C. [Principal Under-Secretary] |
00001 |
3 |
The indentured coolie misuses the passes given him by the Protector and deserts, leaves Natal even with them. So he will now have to bear the cost of the cost of his return journey and penalty for absence it his complaint is frivolous. |
000003198 |
31.05.1899 |
12285 |
00130 |
3 |
We urge effective interference. Law of 1885 provides that sanitary reasons and these alone should be proved to exist for removal to locations. Again we are not "Coolies", Arabs and Muslim Subjects of Turkey". The locations are un in habitable. |
000003197 |
31.05.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
2 |
Received pound 9-9-7 and pound 10-14-7 for General and water rates due to Durban Corporation from Natal Indian Congress and Smith J.G.[stamped]. |
00003319B |
01.06.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
All buildings (etc.) on stands 13-14 situate in the coolie location at Barbertain in the South African Republic are hereby sold to Dharamjee Pragji. |
000003201 |
01.06.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
Your letter of the 29th Ultimo; With a cheque for pound 4-15-0; which has been handed to the Telegraph Department being cost of your Message. |
000003202 |
08.06.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
The demand was passed. The Minister said the increase from pound 2200 was necessary as Indians insisted on joining European School. The demand was opposed on the ground that Blacks were educated to crust the Whites. |
000003203 |
13.06.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
It urged Government to remove restriction on Indian Immigration as it caused a great hardship to them; and as there was no danger of plague, through immigration. |
000003204 |
13.06.1899 |
12277 |
00001 |
1 |
Government cannot alter the Bill by removing the clause you object to. Since Indians leave their Masters for frivolous complaints thus causing inconvenience and loss to master, the point is of special gravity. |
000003206 |
16.06.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
2 |
A very able summary of the History of Indian grievances in Transvaal, and how succeedingly Colonial Secretary's Weakly gave up the cause of Indians. High Court Judgement of Pretoria, was the last act of the tragedy." |
000003205 |
16.06.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
2 |
A very strong condemnation of Chamberlain's policy of yielding to Natal clamour which has emboldened Krugar to apply Location Law. Ridicule of Transvaal. High Court Judgement identifying residence and shops as one premise for "low" Indians. |
000003208 |
23.06.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
It is hard on whites when these Blacks run a store on an agent's licence he was refused retail Licence. Colonisation Company upheld whites. |
000003209 |
23.06.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
The words of the second memorial to colonial Secretary, are: "highly pathetic and ominous" as colonial secretary states to sir Wedderburn Wm. that friendly means for getting justice have failed. |
000003207 |
23.06.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
The Attorney General said it was eminently successful and had solved a problem. Indian children were not now admitted to European Schools. [applause]. |
000003210 |
27.06.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
3 |
A very strong indictment of "the preposterous" clauses. It would drive away Indians from Hotel Service and expose them always to suspicion of crime . Equity flouted. |
000003211 |
28.06.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
It protests against deprivation of trading rights enjoyed by Indians even in non-British European territories in South Africa. British public sympathises with Indian. |
000003214 |
30.06.1899 |
00001 |
13705 |
1 |
Indians to petition if Government does not intend taking out the clause affecting Indians. Please inform. |
000003212 |
30.06.1899 |
12277 |
00001 |
1 |
I hereby forward a copy of the report of the Protector of Immigrants Its terms were embodied in my letter to you of 29th May. |
000003226 |
01.07.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
3 |
Mr. Morcom's Vigorous championship of the rights of Natives, and coloured persons who were indirectly dispossessed. |
000003215 |
03.07.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
3 |
Mr. Morcom rightly denounced it as class Legislation to oust the coloured from Lands rural and urban. It is aimed at "beneficial Occupation" Which is defined as "that by European in rural Land"s Debate proceeding. |
000003216 |
05.07.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
2 |
He hit at a weak point in the Bill. It is a grave mistake to lay it down that no native or Indian could beneficially Occupy the land. |
000003217 |
07.07.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
2 |
The Only remedy of the innumerable grievances of nitlanders Lies in making Transvaal grant them a share in Government. The Police are "harsh and arbitrary" "as may be evident to you from the current ill- treatment of the coloured people". |
000003218 |
07.07.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
Mr. M.K. Gandhi, read the address after a neat speech. The address praised Rudolph's justice. His Worship was visible affected when he replied. [Note *: A heartfelt tribute from "rich and poor Indians"] |
000003219 |
12.07.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
Mr. Moecom applied and Khan r. K. Was admitted for practice in the Supreme Court. Khan r. K. proved some what fair for an Indian resembling an Indian |
000003221 |
14.07.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
The "Times special correspondent at Johannesburg says it is a monstrous doctrine assuring Indians' mercantile ruin and degradation. |
000003220 |
14.07.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
Moosa Hoosen takes over the good will of Suleiman Ebrahim & Co; and is alone liable for debts incurred after 10-7-1899. Notices by both. |
000003222 |
14.07.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
Mr. Macleen asks Mr. Chamberlain [Colonial Secretary] if he can explain the grounds of refusing to allow Indian Children to view the festivities in company with whites. |
000003223 |
15.07.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
2 |
Though in India, he is treated at mere dirt and human dirt he is British Government's the Time's and Uitlanders' championship will sublimate him. |
000003224 |
18.07.1899 |
12466 |
00039 |
1 |
Mr. Gandhi's previous rather unsuccessful efforts have induced other of his stamp to follow suit and should the heavy wheel. Let us hope his advent will be a means to raise their real height. |
000003225 |
18.07.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
2 |
Imperial Government was bound down by the previous acceptance of Law 3 of 1885, of the Free State award etc. This grievance is one of the many points of disagreements. |
000003231 |
20.07.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
Indians insist on the right of co-education with Whites and hence a new school for Indians. The point will be taken to the supreme Court. It is politic to assist them in their efforts to civilise them selves. Let us be guided by England. |
000003230 |
20.07.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
2 |
However, the Native is taking to education increasingly. Granting of some rights of self-management has made them better citizens. |
000003229 |
20.07.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
The Leader strongly deprecates such actions at such a crisis. It says they have been printed a farm 5 miles away. This is to benefit the Owner. |
000003227 |
20.07.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
They requested permission to present their address to Mr. Rhodes. The Town Council granted the request. |
000003228 |
20.07.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
Since they were asked to take out licences, and there is no profit in calling, they have given up hawking and refused to buy vegetables. |
000003232 |
21.07.1899 |
00351 |
00124 |
1 |
I hope the law is to apply to Indians also. If so, they must be compelled to register their births etc. to, ensure reliability as to their age. Social ethics of Indians here are gradually approaching those of a Poultry yard. |
000003234 |
21.07.1899 |
00021 |
00039 |
1 |
Many like myself, say 'amen' to his wishes regarding education; but it is absurd to say that Mr. Khan's advent in the bar may not be liked by Europeans. |
000003233 |
21.07.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
That Indians are a law unto themselves is a disgrace. " An Indian" rightly condemns their morals. Lows must be passed to save them. |
000003235 |
22.07.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
If, as our censor [correspondent] says, he can rise to highest positions in India; why does he come here at all? He is "an unmitigated nuisance" |
000003237 |
24.07.1899 |
12467 |
12468 |
2 |
A Very indignant letter detailing the numerous hardships due to probable removal to Locations; "six or seven" miles away from town with little water supply. |
000003238 |
24.07.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
He was allowed merely to state his case "which the state secretary says he did most ably". A reply will be returned later. |
000003236 |
24.07.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
He Pleaded that at least those who entered Transvaal before passing of the Location Law established business should not be removed. He admitted that hawkers should accept the law. |
000003239 |
24.07.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
2 |
Unless Sir Milner A.'s minimum demands are granted war, is certain. The driving of the unfortunates to the locations is a new count added. |
000003240 |
25.07.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
A trooper, (an European) of Natal police assaulted vinden David, handcuffed him and put him to other indignities. The Magistrate dismissed the case. A civil action now is threatened. |
000003241 |
25.07.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
State Secretary says that the majority cannot be removed as they are under Long Leases. Contract With Tobiansky's farm does not compel removal there: Still large tenders range from pound 6 to pound 65 for dwellings and pound 5000 to pound 27000 for the whole job. |
000003244 |
26.07.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
2 |
000003243 |
26.07.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
Mr. Escombe called it "applying criminal processes to those who were not such" For fear of stop page of labour supply the resolution was lost. |
000003242 |
26.07.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
2 |
Mr. Spark's resolution was defeated by only 3 votes. But it indicates the rising feeling of Natal against Indian Colonisation which is an evil. |
000003245 |
27.07.1899 |
00001 |
12469 |
1 |
If Locations are to be settled fast, proprietary rights must be granted there to Indians only-and all rights which are possessed by Others. [Note*: The whole petition is typical of Gandhiji in humanity and earnestness of appeal; |
000003251 |
27.07.1899 |
00302 |
13111 |
2 |
The letter protests against the evident partiality of the Mayor; in refusing to register a purchase by Indians to allow them to bid. |
000003247 |
27.07.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
Though Opinion is veering towards stoppage, we cannot deny that demand for Indians is the greatest and that many industries would collapse without them. No Government in the World would agree to Mr. Spark's condition. The fault it ours. |
000003248 |
27.07.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
In Pretoria hawkers continue to trade with out Licence. The Johannesburg Location is entirely unfit for trade, The authorities have postponed action. |
000003246 |
27.07.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
4 |
It shows that opinion is increasingly getting against immigration. The Supporters must buck up to awaken the Country regarding the danger of Indians. |
000003250 |
27.07.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
000003249 |
27.07.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
000003252 |
31.07.1899 |
12420 |
12221 |
6 |
At least the right of appeal to the supreme Court must be granted Natal Government 's injunction to Local Boards to be moderate is hardly a relief may only mean gradual weeding out. Pathetic tale of actual woes. |
000003254 |
01.08.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
Interviewed by Devakarran Nanjee, he asserted that complete dryness alone (and not disinfectants) was the remedy. It is a vegetable germ, so all vegetation must be destroyed. |
000003253 |
01.08.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
Government has informed Tobiansky that their Contract with him is not binding. Mr. Tobiansky thinks it is. Mr. Eloff's property is rejected as being too near the town and as Europeans already live on it. It will be leased to whites. |
000003255 |
02.08.1899 |
00125 |
12468 |
1 |
To deprive us (white Uitlanders) of the vote may be tyranny, but location etc. are robbery by the scale of the map-all for the misfortune of being "British Subjects"- as when 2 Indians were not given tickets and 2 Chinese were: |
00003189B |
02.08.1899 |
14659 |
12468 |
1 |
000003256 |
02.08.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
Every one spoke of the utter uselessness of the Kaffir- I Cooloe woman = 6 Kaffirs. They all supported the existing Immigration Law. |
000003257 |
02.08.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
Received from Natal Indian Congress 3 pound-7-6 being premium for pound 750 policy from Date 30-7-1899 to 30-7-1900. |
000003283 |
02.08.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
11 |
It does not mean a servant but simply 'payment' It is a Tamil word. A Whiteman, with out good manners does not make a gentleman. |
000003259 |
04.08.1899 |
12470 |
00039 |
1 |
My business arrangements tend to discourage Indians and help Europeans. I am misrepresented by some. |
000003261 |
04.08.1899 |
12471 |
00039 |
1 |
He dubbed Indians-dirty but skipped over, the fact that the coolie Quarters he mentioned were put up by Europeans. He opposes because we do not buy meat from him. |
000003258 |
04.08.1899 |
00025 |
00039 |
1 |
Voters ; Beware; Though he called himself their enemy, he is really their friend, has sold for gain his property and is "interested" in Coolie firms. |
000003260 |
04.08.1899 |
00126 |
00001 |
1 |
I have agreed to Lower my charges if you think, I have charged Moosa H. Cassim too high May I once more trouble you in that? |
000003263 |
07.08.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
My remarks about "human mind" were to point out your deviation from the issue. You have to pay nothing I wish I had dragged you here: |
000003262 |
07.08.1899 |
00126 |
00001 |
2 |
I return your cheque of pound 66. I feel that our client have been ungrateful for our trouble. Unless (and only then) you say I have overcharged, I am not going to agree to any deduction. |
000003264 |
08.08.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
He will drive away Europeans if citizens buy his inferior produce at starvation profit. Europeans have Commoned market gardening. |
000003266 |
12.08.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
They neatly evade the bye-law and yet are a boon to Kaffirs. The disturbing factor is that they set a bad example to evade bye-laws. |
000003265 |
12.08.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
An innocent White Painter was charged with impertinence and all Legal fuss was gone through by the Indian ; but the painter was not than a matel for him. |
000003274 |
15.08.1899 |
12472 |
I.I.P.L., Secretary |
14660 |
1 |
000003267 |
15.08.1899 |
12472 |
I.I.P.L., Secretary |
12473 |
2 |
"Kennelling" of Coolies Like Dogs" (Rider Haggard) is alright but real helotage is the indenture system. Why do they swallow, pound 60,000,00, of British Indian Government from Opium? what is the state of "Boys" in British Gold Mines? They must look nearer home. |
000003269 |
15.08.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
The Court Officials, Amaholwa chiefs, Dutch Farmers and Indians gave addresses. Mr. Gandhi after an eloquent speech, presented it with a souvenir. |
000003272 |
15.08.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
Presentation of an address and a silver salver on the eve of his retirement by his staff. Mr. Rudolph replied in suitable words. |
000003268 |
15.08.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
It was only a scare; but volksraad had resolved to compel Uitlanders,Coolies and coloured people to co-operate in defence of Transvaal's independence. |
000003273 |
15.08.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
Debate adjourned. Mr. Fell objected to doubling black men's cultivation as not beneficial Mr. Woods characterised it a "Class Bill." |
000003270 |
15.08.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
He was granted retail Licence by Licencing Officer; but it was cancelled by Town Council. But he has opened his store and carries on business. |
000003271 |
15.08.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
2 |
000003275 |
18.08.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
The East Indian trader is indispensable for many years yet. On business and moral grounds I oppose his expulsion from legitimate trade. |
000003276 |
22.08.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
Coloured people in Transvaal are prohibited from being in public streets after 9 P.M. And before sunrise. They shall not use foot-paths up to 2 pound or 14 days Labour. |
000003278 |
23.08.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
2 |
For labourers' grievances the Indian Government has a remedy stopping supply. To "Free" Indians it is difficult to get relief and with these enhance over troubles in India Some such Scheme may be helpful. |
000003277 |
23.08.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
Unless insanitation is proved, location is ultravires. The Paramount Power must be obeyed here also, Allegations re: sanitation must be sanctioned by Britain. |
000003279 |
30.08.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
3 |
A history in brief and a very able refutation of the 3 charges against Indians Viz. (1) Uncleanliness (2) Cheap Living (3) Dishonesty of Merchants. It is an Imperial problem and aught to be faced as such to calm Indian agitation. |
000003280 |
30.08.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
000003281 |
30.08.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
3 |
Opinion of Mr. Herr Lucas, the Legal Adviser on the Board of German East African Colony; pages 125,126, Britain and South African (British & S. A.) Export Gazette (September 1,1899) |
000003282 |
01.09.1899 |
12474 |
12475 |
1 |
No special disabilities are imposed on British Indians. Every one is required to Produce Police Certificate of good conduct etc. {Port Elizabeth is in Cape Colony] |
000003295 |
01.09.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
Herr Lucas unexpected and so bonafide recognition has as much force in British South Africa as in German East Africa. It is only perverse prejudice that seeks to set-up race -hatred for commercial ends. |
000003284 |
08.09.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
To Print 1300 copies of 5 pages' Memorial (SN 3252 ?) in small piea foolscap folia @ 7/6 etc. pound 5-11-6. |
000003285 |
08.09.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
He was very indignant vehement at Natal's refusal to Gandhiji (in case war broke out) to suspend pound 10 guarantee in the Immigration Act and to provide for Indian refugees. |
000003286 |
08.09.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
A Large Meeting signed a petition to the Queen, and expressed support to Sir Miller A. " A Civilised man is one who was not a loafer".-Rhodes Cecil. |
000003288 |
09.09.1899 |
00001 |
00130 |
1 |
Earnestly suggest relaxation Immigration Act. After hostilities it may be too late .With heavy white exodus, Indians cannot remain clam. Cannot describe pain that British Subjects cannot be sheltered on British soil, |
000003287 |
09.09.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
Natal refuses to accommodate them since while they claim equal rights with British, they shirk their duties. will they (rich) pay for the upkeep of the poor? |
000003289 |
09.09.1899 |
00130 |
00001 |
1 |
Your wire receiving sympathetic Consideration. Reply Monday. |
000003290 |
11.09.1899 |
00130 |
00001 |
1 |
Temporary alteration (to grant visitors' passes up to 3 months or more) in regulations published under Government Notice 621/1899 approved. |
000003291 |
15.09.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
2 |
Supreme Court unanimously set aside the judgement with all the costs and awarded pound 10 damages Vinden. Jones did not act bonafide. |
000003715 |
16.09.1899 |
00001 |
12143 |
1 |
Lest the Indian question be neglected in any compromise with Transvaal. I send you the memorial attached herewith to show the injustice to Indians. |
00003295A |
16.09.1899 |
00001 |
12143 |
1 |
000003292 |
18.09.1899 |
12476 |
00039 |
1 |
"Cosmopolitan" and Gandhi state that Indians are Aryans; but only Rajputs and Brahmins are Aryans. The large majority is not Aryan. |
000005559 |
25.09.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
2 |
Duplicate of receipt for 3 pound under 3 of 1885 of Hassan Abdoo, also permit to return to Transvaal via Natal |
000003293 |
26.09.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
3 |
A Detailed Sanitary Report full of condemnation of the 'shanties' (unfit for human habitation) provided by Durban for its Indian Employees Also decided to print certain sanitary bye-laws in Indian Languages. DISPLAY STATUS |
000003294 |
27.09.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
2 |
Though Indians are known for uncleanliness it is scandalous that Durban Corporation itself should neglect their employers and provide "shanties" The Question of Indian Locations also must be calmly gone into. |
000003297 |
03.10.1899 |
11656 |
00039 |
1 |
However serious our grievances against the Whites of Natal, we must not be passive spectators but must help in the defence of the colony. |
000003296 |
03.10.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
2 |
"Cosmopolite" errs with Max Muller (1861) but later Scientists, anthropologists and craniologists deny any racial affinity (from Language Similarity etc.) |
000003298 |
04.10.1899 |
12477 |
00001 |
1 |
May we supply all notices of English and Colonial Press regarding yourself or Transvaal Indians or any other subject? Terms enclosed. |
000003299 |
14.10.1899 |
00001 |
12143 |
2 |
We must announce this as prominently as we did Natal's refusal to relax. We now feel that though in Natal we are British Subjects and that in a crisis the enchanting phrase has not lost its charms after all. |
000003300 |
18.10.1899 |
12132 |
PALMER, William |
00001 |
1 |
Sorry, Mr. Sydney Josiah cannot be spared as Government have assigned him some duty. |
000003300 |
18.10.1899 |
12478 |
00001 |
1 |
We are asked to keep a guard on our line (Natal Government Railway). Hence I cannot go if required. I cannot be shared. Attached Inspector's letter to you. |
000003301 |
19.10.1899 |
00001 |
00130 |
7 |
We, of the enclosed list, offer our services ;unconditionally and without pay We form 25 percent of the English-educated Durban Indians. Merchants have offered to maintain us and dependents. We will be grateful if prayer is granted |
000003304 |
19.10.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
000003302 |
19.10.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
33 Names of (volunteers of war service) including Gandhiji, Khan, Royappan, Nazar (barristers) and other Christians and Hindus. |
000003305 |
23.10.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
000003303 |
23.10.1899 |
00193 |
BIRD, C. [Principal Under-Secretary] |
00001 |
1 |
Government is deeply impressed by your offer of loyal service. Should the occasion arise Government will gladly avail of it. Inform Indians of the same. |
000003306 |
24.10.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
"The Motive", says a Indian Leader "is to prove that if we insist on right, we recognise duties also. Not money but such offer can prove it." |
000003307 |
24.10.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
Picturesque description of a battle-field at night. "Chiefly through their splendid work, the wounded were quickly attended to." |
000003308 |
26.10.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
We promise to attend the meeting on the 28th to consider it and the desirability of further steps. 22 signatures. |
000003309 |
27.10.1899 |
12480 |
SULEIMAN, Ibrahim |
00232 |
HABIB, Haji |
1 |
Madrasi women have been stripped naked for examination; and robbed of all money. Indians are being shipped off to some unknown place. Portuguese against our being here from Transvaal. |
000003310 |
27.10.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
Their contribution to the latter is a gratifying proof of loyalty. Some Indian ladies also are working such services, we hope, will not be forgotten. |
000003314 |
28.10.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
Inspired not by the lust of the battle, but by a sense of duty, to weather the hail of deadly bullets cannot be praised too highly. Hats off to 'Gunga Din'. |
000003111 |
28.10.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
Imams said Great Britain saved them from slavery under the Dutch. They owed Britain every thing. It was resolved to consider forming a Muslim Corps. |
000003313 |
28.10.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
I have often called you names; perhaps deserved but let by-gones be by-goness. The Sincere offer of Durban Indians to serve will ever be memorable. |
000003312 |
28.10.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
Penniless and starving, many Indians came here from Pretoria. Some people kindly gave them coins to buy foods. The Committee (of whites) also provided help for them. |
000003311 |
28.10.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
Imms said Great Britain saved them from slavery under the Dutch They owed Britain every thing It was resolved to consider forming a Muslim Corps, |
000003316 |
30.10.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
These storial and stolid Asiatics did their duty with heroic indifferences and saved many lives. One man was wounded, but got up and carried away his charge. |
000003315 |
30.10.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
Their character and temperament are such as give certainly about valuable service. The Indian contingent with the troops and Red Cross has made its mark. |
000003317 |
30.10.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
Though they are few in proportion to Indians settled here, yet their offer is a striking proof of loyalty and may be contagious. |
000003317 |
31.10.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
A protest has been sent to British Agent at Pretoria against locations; but the greatest difficulty is that they cannot fly to Natal; a British Colony for safety owing to the Restriction Immigration Act; while Indian troops are defending Natal ! |
000003318 |
07.11.1899 |
12315 |
00001 |
1 |
He took away the keys of the Congress Hall throwing out the beddings of some Muslim travellers. Has he rented it ? What is the proper use of the Hall ? |
000003319 |
09.11.1899 |
12481 |
00001 |
1 |
Some Indians offer their services for any duty in the war. Will Government accept them ? |
000003323 |
13.11.1899 |
00001 |
12132 |
PALMER, William |
2 |
Possibly they did not know the purpose of League Fund. They have promised all the cost of Volunteer Corps; and help families and are under the terrible strain of feeding incoming refugees still they will help. Coolies are also Indians. |
000003322 |
13.11.1899 |
12132 |
PALMER, William |
00001 |
1 |
While Coolies give Durban Women, 3 d. pieces, Arabs do not. Can you explain. When it goes to Press it will appear very strange. |
000003321 |
13.11.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
2 |
We promise to attend the meeting on the 15th punctually at 8 p.m....31 signatures including Gandhiji's. Overleaf a list of 26 persons. Some in Gandhiji's own hand. |
000003320 |
13.11.1899 |
12482 |
00001 |
6 |
I was called from India on promise of high pay and pension etc.; but after serving 10 years, I was pensioned off forcibly and given a paltry Rs. 75/- per month. |
00003319A |
14.11.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
This is to certify that Dharamsey Pragji of Jamnanagar, India is registered in the books of his consulate; as a British Subject under No. 769 on.... |
000003324 |
15.11.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
Though it was 'cruel hardship', law was contravened as the licence of the seller of the business could not be transferred to the buyer. The case showed a legal anomaly - the convicting Magistrate was the President of Licencing Board. |
000003326 |
17.11.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
List of subscribers (subscription to Durban Women's Patriotic league), with the amount subscribed by each. |
000003717 |
22.11.1899 |
12145 |
00001 |
3 |
Many thanks for the spontaneous offer to help us tend the wounded. We shall gladly avail our selves of your offer. |
000003718 |
22.11.1899 |
00126 |
00001 |
2 |
Mr. Greenace M.P. is highly impressed and he referred to you in most flattering terms. Suggest a deputation to wait on him. He would not forget you. |
000003325 |
24.11.1899 |
12483 |
12132 |
PALMER, William |
1 |
We send pound 62-7-3 (Gandhiji 3 pound-3-0). We could have sent more, but we have to support our volunteers' families and thousands of refugees during war depression. |
000003327 |
27.11.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
Total stoppage of Indian Immigration. Compulsory return of time-expired Coolies. Coolie Locations. Indian owned lands to be `resumed' with compensation. |
000003328 |
28.11.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
Nothing can show better the real feelings of Indians, `who too often have very little said on their behalf' than this display of loyalty. |
000003329 |
29.11.1899 |
12485 |
12486 |
2 |
Apparently a strong condemnation and indignation at the Manifesto. His claim of superiority over 2 seasoned Candidates. |
000003330 |
30.11.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
The Coolie was an unmitigated curse - a social evil. In New South Wales Sugar Industry became a success when coloured labour was diminished. |
000003332 |
02.12.1899 |
00001 |
00130 |
1 |
Ready for Hospital work. Kindly state its nature, when to start...etc. Most of those who offered will be ready. |
000003331 |
02.12.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
He stood for white labour. White girls were underpaid as cheap coloured labour was there and so if they want astray who was to blame?. |
000003333 |
04.12.1899 |
00001 |
00130 |
1 |
It would be a serious disappointment if our offer is rejected. 45 people now ready at a moments notice. Some are getting training under Dr. Booth. |
000003340 |
04.12.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
A "Substantial Donation" of pound 62-7-3 from Indian Merchants per Mr. Gandhi, has been received. Indian Ladies offer to make clothes etc. Indian merchants supplying the materials. |
000003336 |
04.12.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
Coolies got positions here which should go to whites. They cause unemployment. Indian labour was a social crime and commercial blunder. |
000003334 |
04.12.1899 |
12412 |
00001 |
2 |
Please strike of my name as do not want to go through this back- door course, via the protector. It is insulting. |
000003335 |
04.12.1899 |
12487 |
00001 |
2 |
As I am suffering from night emissions etc., please withdraw my name. I think there is no shame to tell you the truth. |
000003719 |
06.12.1899 |
12620 |
00001 |
1 |
Here are five more volunteers who offer their services without pay. All of us anxiously waiting for your further orders. |
000003338 |
11.12.1899 |
00001 |
12489 |
1 |
Ask volunteers be ready - start possibly tomorrow. |
000003339 |
11.12.1899 |
12490 |
BOOTH, L. P. (Dr.) |
00130 |
1 |
I, and Mr. Gandhi will wait upon you tomorrow morning nine. |
000003344 |
14.12.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
Report of (1) Congress Hall Meeting (2) Mr. Escombe's Tea-Party (3) Rustomjee Parsee's Dinner Party: Mr. Escombe's speech briefly reported. |
000003345 |
14.12.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
2 |
They met at Rt. Hon. Mr. Escombe's residence where Gandhiji said they were on proving their loyalty and sense of duty. Mr. Escombe said the incident was remarkable. |
000003345 |
14.12.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
2 |
They met at Rt. Hon. Escombe's residence where Gandhiji said they were intent on proving their loyalty and sense of duty. Mr. Escombe said the incident was remarkable. |
000003342 |
14.12.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
2 |
Just a few Lines of the report of Mr. Escombe's speech. It showed Indians were resolved to promote Imperial solidarity. |
000003341 |
14.12.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
000003343 |
14.12.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
2 |
Amount up to date pound 180-6-0. Parsee Rustomjee pound 41, Miakhan pound 40, Camroodin pound 21,etc. |
000003347 |
15.12.1899 |
00107 |
00039 |
1 |
They have gone from purely mercenary motives and fully 2/3 are indentured pay pound1 per week and ration. Will not 1000 natives got thus some pay ? |
000003349 |
15.12.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
Bellair Red cross Society's President gratefully acknowledged the presentation of a purse of $.5-15-1 by Indians of the place. |
000003348 |
15.12.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
Most of our volunteers are also paid. The Indian corps under Dr. Booth is unpaid. Credit due to him for all his exertions in behalf Indians. |
000003346 |
15.12.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
It brought 251 passengers. A large number were new castle residents. |
000003350 |
15.12.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
000003716 |
16.12.1899 |
12144 |
BULLEY, R.E. [B.M.S.] |
00001 |
1 |
I sincerely hope that your offer of help will be accepted. Please let me know when you receive a reply to it. |
000003352 |
16.12.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
000003353 |
17.12.1899 |
12491 |
00039 |
1 |
Let is cease now, after Escombe's sympathy and great speech. Has not Gandhi shown what is to be excepted from him in a crisis? And Khan etc's loyalty. |
000003354 |
23.12.1899 |
12492 |
00001 |
1 |
We have been sleeping there since 2.5 months, but the rent has not been fixed. We are leaving for India, so, kindly charge us reasonable rent so that no slur may be cast on Transvaal Refugees. |
000003357 |
27.12.1899 |
00001 |
12493 |
1 |
Please examine and let me have a cheque for... if correct. Mr. Bhayad's possible expenses not included here for which a 2nd bill may be submitted. |
000003358 |
27.12.1899 |
00001 |
12494 |
1 |
I first class and 10 third class are sent herewith. 3 third class were used as from pmburg only, bearing numbers.... I reported the matter there at the time. |
000003355 |
27.12.1899 |
12493 |
12490 |
BOOTH, L. P. (Dr.) |
1 |
General Wolfe Marry and Mr. Clarence thank you and Mr. Gandhi for your "valuable service". Can I count upon their service if needed again ? by 1st January.? |
000003359 |
27.12.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
List of Careers brought up by Mr. Gandhi (not free Volunteers) Total number 11 and with their amounts due to them "attach Sunday disbursements all amounting to pound 17-16-10. Rate of career 1 pound per week. |
000003356 |
27.12.1899 |
00000 |
00000 |
1 |
Authorised by the Superintendent (Dr. Booth). Rough draft in pencil amount not totalled but coming to pound 17-11-8. Interesting items. |
000003360 |
29.12.1899 |
12494 |
00001 |
2 |
Please inform me : (1) Number of men and Sirdars you can supply (2) At what notice (3) Your nearest Railway station, Telegraphic Address etc. |