Books - English


BARI S.A. / Universal foundation  of Gandhi's religion / 1970 / New Delhi, 16


BETAI MODI Ramesh S. & P.M. /  Gita and Gandhiji / 1970-1970;1 / Ahmedabad, 293


BISHOP  / Solitary throne:  Some religious beliefs of Mahatma Gandhi in the light of Christs teachings / 1931 / Madras 


CHAKRABARTI Mohit / Gandhian  religion / 1994 / New Delhi, 188


CHATTERJEE Margaret / Gandhi's  religious thought, Delhi / 1983 / Macmillan India Ltd., 194


DESAI Mahadev / Gospel of  selfless action or the Gita according to Gandhi / 1946-1946;6 / Ahmedabad, 390


DIWAKAR R.R. / Yoga, the science  of sciences and Gandhi as Yogi / 1988-1988;1 / New Delhi, 23


GANDHI M.K. / Ethical religion:  English paraphrase of the Gujarati rendering by Gandhiji / 1968-1968;2 / Ahmedabad, 31


GANDHI M.K. / Truth is God. Comp.  R.K. Prabhu / 1955-1955;7 / Ahmedabad, 168


GANDHI M.K. / Ethical religion.  Tr. A. Rama Iyer / 1930 / Madras 


GANDHI M.K. / Unseen power. Ed.  Jag Parvesh Chander / 1944-1944;1 / Lahore 


GANDHI M.K. / My religion. Com.  Bharatan Kumarappa. 1955 / 1951-1951;2 / Ahmedabad, 168


GANDHI M.K. / Gospel of  renunciation. Comp. R.K. Prabhu / 1961-1961;3 / Ahmedabad, 32


SMITH Donald E. / Religious  revolutionaries of the third world: Gandhi, Gandhians and Guerrilleas / 1970 / Typed  Script 


TIWARI K.N. / World religions and  Gandhi / 1988-1988;1 / Delhi 


GANDHI M.K. / Fellowship of  faiths and unity of religions. Ed. Abdul Majid Khan / 1947-1947;2 / Madras 


GANDHI M.K. / Food for the soul.  Ed. Anand T. Hingorani / 1957-1957;5 / Bombay, 100


GORA G. Ramachandra Rao / Atheist  with Gandhi / 1951-1951;2 / Ahmedabad 


NANDA B.R. / Gandhi and Religion  / 1990 / New Delhi, 24


NARGOLKAR Vasant / Nonentity  fasts for freedom / 1978 / Bombay, 121


RAJAGOPALACHARI C. / Hindu  philosophy, modern science & our political economy / 1970 / New Delhi, 12


RAO K.L. Seshagiri / Mahatma  Gandhi and comparative religion / 1978 / Delhi, 154


SAXENA Sushil Kumar / Ever into  God: Essays on Gandhi and religion / 1988 / Calcutta, 228 pages