Books - English

Peace and Disarmament

ZUTSHI T. N. /  Report on visit to Jammu and Kashmir: Oct. 27 to Nov. 7, 1996 / 1996 / New Delhi 


GANGAL S.C. /  Gandhian way to world peace / 1960-1960;1 / Bombay, 156 pages


ANTI NUCLEAR ARMS  CONVENTION / Statement / 1962-1962;1 / New Delhi, 8


ANTI-NUCLEAR ARMS  CONVENTION / Proceedings / 1962 / New Delhi 


ARAM M. / Future of  mankind / 1989 / India, 84


BORN Max / Physics  and politics / 1962.1.3 / New Delhi, 11


DHEBAR U.N. / Some  suggestions for the convention / 1962.1.4 / New Delhi, 15


DIWAKAR R.R. /  Chairman's address / 1962 / New Delhi, 19


GANDHI M.K. /  Non-violent way to world peace. Ed. R.K. Prabhu / 1959-1959;3 / Ahmedabad, 51


GANDHI PEACE  FOUNDATION New Delhi / Deligation to nuclear powers for stopping nuclear tests and banning  nuclear war / 1963.1-1963.1;1 / New Delhi, 28


GANDHI PEACE  FOUNDATION New Delhi / At the Anti Nuclear Arms-convention, New Delhi 16-18 June 1962 /  1962.4-1962.4;1/ New Delhi, 88


GANGULI B.N. /  Nuclear arms for security / 1962 / New Delhi, 11


GREGG Richard B. /  Breakdown of a civilization / 1962-1962;1 / New Delhi, 16


GUJARAT VIDYAPITH  PEACE RESEARCH CENTRE / Perspectives of peace research: Concept, methodology and areas of  peace research in India / 1972-1972;1 / Ahmedabad, 183


GUPTA Devendra Kumar  / Peace: How world religions can contribute? / 1970-1970;1 / New Delhi, 28


KRIPALANI J.B. /  Gandhian approach to world peace / 1962.4 / New Delhi, 25


MANDAL Sant Ram /  Gandhi and world peace / 1932 / Los Angeles, 198


NOEL-BAKER Philip /  Problem of the clandestine nuclear stock / 1962.1.5 / New Delhi, 8


PRASAD Surya Nath  & SHUKLA  Suman. Eds. / Gandhi non-violence and peace / 1995 / New Delhi, 85


PURI Rashmi-Sudha /  Gandhi on war and peace / 1987 / New York & London 


RAMACHANDRAN G. /  Citizen's duty in the nuclear crisis / 1962.2 / New Delhi8


RAO V.K.R.V. /  Fallacy of the nuclear deterrent / 1962.3 / New Delhi, 11


RAZI AHMAD  /  Indian peasant movement and Mahatma Gandhi / 1987-1987;1 / New Delhi, 371


REYNOLDS Reginald A.  / India, Gandhi & world peace / 1930 / London, 26


ROW S.Surya / Way to  end war and how Mahatmaji can save the world / 1963 / Vishakhapatnam 


SADIQ ALI / Campaign  agains Nuclear Arms / 1962.3 / New Delhi, 12


SADIQ ALI  /  Compaign against Nuclear Arms / 1962 / New Delhi, 12


SANKAR LAL V. /  Gandhian way to world peace / 1956-1956;1 / Andhra Pradesh, 142


SENGUPTA CHOWDHURY  B. R. Eds. / Mahatma Gandhi and India's struggle for Swaraj / 1932 / Calcutta, 415


SETHI J.D. /  Gandhian critique of western peace movements / 1989 / New Delhi, 275


SHIVA Rao B. / Some  proposals for action / 19621.2 / New Delhi, 8


TEWARI S.M. / Gandhi  & world peace / 1970 / New Delhi, 31


VASUDEV / World  peace through Gandhism / 1979 / New Delhi 


VINOBA BHAVE / World  Peace / 1962 / Tanjore, 11


WEBER Thomas /  Gandhi's peace army: the Shanti Sena and unarmed peacekeeping / 1996 / USA, 293


BHATNAGAR K.S. /  World peace and Mahatma Gandhi / 1957 / Agra, 31 pages