BIRLA Ghanshyam Das / Bapu : a unique association, 4 Vols. / 1977.1-1977.4 / Bombay, Vol. 1, 479 pages; Vol. 2, 381; Vol. 3, 366; Vol. 4, 464
GANDHI M.K. / Bapu's letters to Mira 1924-48 / 1949-1949;6 / Ahmedabad, 387
GANDHI M.K & JOSHI P.C. / Correspondence (1944-45) / 1945-1945;2, 63
GANDHI M.K. / Famous letters of Mahatma Gandhi, Ed. R. L. Khipple / 1947-1947;2 / Lahore, 148 pages